The Lord has blessed our family abundantly and continues to do so. Our family began on December 28th, 2002 when Jason and I were married. We began our relationship with God as the center and we strive to keep Him there. Over the next 9 years God blessed us with four beautiful healthy children, 3 boys and 1 girl.
Jayla is our youngest, 2.5 years old, and a little peanut. Most days I am still in awe that the Lord blessed me with a little girl and now to be preparing for another one. Jayla is full of spunk. She is shy one minute and has attitude the next. She is creative in her play, loving to her baby dolls, enjoys dressing up and drinking 'coffee', but also loves to play football, baseball and soccer as best as she can at 25 lbs. Right now Jayla doesn't understand she is getting a sister, but soon she will and I think she will love it.
Jason is a hard working, loving, gentle, yet firm father to our family. I rarely hear him complain about anything and he always thinks before he speaks. He respects me enough to challenge me in love and loves me through my challenges. I fully believe there is NO better man out there for me. In Jason's spare time, he coaches the boys in basketball and baseball and is also part of the little league board. He leads our family well. Although he still hasn't said much about the adoption, he made a comment the other day that moved me. Our teen niece was holding Jayla close. Jason commented on how she must enjoy that. Our niece said she wishes she would stay this age. Jason's comment, "why do you think we want another that age!?" God never ceases to amaze me in the ways he moves in my husband's heart. I am one proud wife.
And me. I'm Danielle. I love children, always have and always will. Every since I can remember I wanted to be a teacher or a nurse so I could be around children. I'm not as soft spoken as my husband though. I am honest and opinionated, but also have mercy and compassion. I love to listen to others and try to guide them where the Lord would want them to go. I can be anxious at times, but have much patience with children. I think my favorite sound in the world is a child laughing. My dream is to someday open a daycare that provides quality childcare, affordable fees, a safe and loving christian atmosphere and services for families to utilize. I LOVE to sing worship songs. Worship through song is like being next to God for me. I enjoy cheering my children on in their sports and may be a little loud at times....or always. I couldn't be more proud of my family and feel any more blessed, or so I thought. I know our daughter in Haiti will fit right into our family, making it complete and even more blessed.