Tuesday, February 24

One Day at a Time

Do you think when we enter Heaven's gates a light bulb goes off and all those connecting points that were missing in our life are suddenly connected? Where finally, it all makes sense.  The roads we traveled are compiled on a map that we can then view.  The final destination, God's will for our life!

I doubt that will happen, because once we enter those gates, all that matters is praising Him.  But, as I'm in the middle of my journey, on roads less traveled, I find myself wondering how it all connects.  If I allow myself to think, question and ponder too long I end up in self-pity, confusion or anger.  So, I've learned to take it one day at a time.  Being a planner, it's not ideal, but it's truly where God has me right now.  For example, I've had writing this post on my to-do list for over two months.  Ha!  God had way more for me to learn and process before I was to post.  That's minor though.

Many of you are probably wondering how the adoption is going.  A few have asked, and although I didn't want to answer at first, it feels SO good to know there are some still praying on our behalf during this long, and I mean LONG process.  So, if you have asked, THANK YOU!

At the beginning of January we received news that Haiti is continuing to enforce a newer adoption law which states 'agencies are allowed to submit one dossier per month to IBESR'.  IBESR is who approves your dossier and then matches you to a child.  Our agency has a stack of dossiers waiting to be sent and ours is not at the top.  In fact, we were told that if things continue as are, our dossier will not be submitted until April 2016.  Just typing that brings tears to my eyes and a bit of anxiety in my heart.  It was NOT the news we were hoping for.  However, we serve a God who is bigger than all of this. We serve a God who knows us better than we do.  We serve a God who has called us on a journey for a purpose and we will not give up!  Here's the real kicker though.  Just because our dossier reaches IBESR does not mean we will be matched with a child right away.  This is another part of the process they are attempting to refine.

We began this process officially just over a year ago.  At this time, we have over a year before our dossier will be submitted.  In that time, documents will expire and need to be redone.  Again, tears, anxiety, frustration and a touch of anger arise just typing that.  BUT this is not all that surprising of news.  We were told it was a LONG process.  We were told it was NOT easy.  We were told documents would expire.  And we still said YES!

So here is our simple request: PRAY!  There's nothing else we can do.

Pray for favor.  Pray for peace.  Pray for our little girl.  Pray for other families waiting.  Pray for finances.  Pray for strengthening of our family while we wait.  Pray, that overall, God's will is done.

And we will continue life, ONE DAY AT A TIME!

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