Thursday, August 20

God's grace and humor

God is SO good. His grace never ends and his mercies ARE new every morning. My life, and I'm sure yours, is evidence of that every single day. For our family, the last few months have been a whirlwind. Life is always a bit crazy with four children, but there are times where you are tested and overwhelmed. I've felt that several times this year. After all, God told me in January it was a year of waiting so of course that meant being tested. 

So, outside of the normal crazy of summer, kids home, housework doubles, half the time to clean it up, baseball season, cookouts, sleepovers and so on, when fourth of July weekend hit the Lord was ready to reveal. I had made the decision to go visit some college friends that weekend close to Indianapolis. Qade and Grant had baseball so Jason opted to stay home with them, while I traveled with Drew, Jayla and my nephew Dominick. This trip was important to me because one of my dear friends has been battling cancer and I not only wanted, but needed to see her! Friday afternoon we left home and spent that evening with my college friends, who will always hold a special place in my heart! We left there around 8ish and arrived at my sister's home for the rest of the weekend festivities. The kids were exhausted so before long they were in bed. My mind was racing so I stayed up later than necessary. Around 1 am I decided I better get some sleep. I had planned to sleep with Jayla, but she didn't want the company in bed, so Drew volunteered. I crawled into bed quietly and slowly in hopes that none of the 3 would awake. Just as I had fallen asleep I felt the bed shaking. It was Drew! He was flopping on the bed, hard enough that he changed positions 90 degrees and was now lying on me. Strange. I slowly moved him back so we could both get decent sleep. But it happened again. And again. I slept very little that night and felt something wasn't right. We continued on with our weekend, and the second night he slept on a cot. :)

During that week I meant to call the doctor but had a fear inside of me. However, after the urges of several friends, I made the decision to do so. God is so good. My family doctor decided right away this was a case for a pediatric neurologist as we suspected he was having seizures. They called to let them know my info and that we needed an appointment soon. The office called and had a cancellation the very next morning! I was so relieved to get in right away and knew it was God at work. Long story short, after a couple doctor appointments, an EEG and MRI, Drew has been diagnosed with Benign Rolandic Epilepsy.  Overall, this was the best diagnosis we could hope for. Unfortunately, due to the frequency of his seizures he will be on medication. We have a lot to learn and understand about this diagnosis and I am overwhelmed to say the least. However, I am ever so grateful for a God who is in every detail of our lives. It's no coincidence that I slept with Drew that night. God knew I needed to. The appointment that opened up for us right away due to cancellation and God's protection of Drew during all of this. He did sleep on the top bunk and really could have been hurt. The best thing about this diagnosis is that the 'benign' part means he will grow out of it. This is a life change, but temporarily. Thank you so much to all who have been praying even if you didn't know the situation. 

Now, in the middle of figuring our Drew, we receive word that my Aunt Bonnie was in the hospital and it wasn't looking good. Tears flowed. I sat on the kitchen floor and sobbed. My heart broke for my Mother and all of her family. Bonnie was only 51. She did pass away that week and I took a trip to be with family for a few days. It was so good to be with everyone, but such a sad occasion. Drew traveled with me and his sweet heart touched many there. It really was a special bonding time for us. 

NOW, God's humor. On the very same day and really same moment, that we received Drew's diagnosis, we also received an email in regards to our adoption. It was a receipt, stamped with the Haitian flag, stating that our dossier has arrived in Haiti!!!! Such joy filled my heart. One. Step. Closer. There is still a committee to be formed to match us with our little girl. But we KNOW she is there and God IS preparing her and we WILL be ready when that day comes. PLUS this is 8 months earlier than we were expecting AND exactly 18 months after we filled out our pre-approval application to our agency, the very first paper we completed for this adoption. 

Many emotions are flowing through me even as I write this. So many thoughts. One moment my heart breaks for Drew whose little body has taken so much, yet I'm so grateful he doesn't recall these seizures even taking place. Next my heart is full of joy to think we are getting closer to wrapping our daughter with our arms and love! Then, heart ache again knowing that time is unknown. Fear of not being able to raise the funds in time for when we receive that referral. Excitement to receive THAT email!!! Overwhelmed to think of planning another fundraiser, filling out more paperwork and renewing documents. ALL of this on top of normal crazy life. 

Then there is peace. A peace that surpasses all understanding because my God already has all of that taken care of. All I need to do is talk to Him.

We can't thank you enough for all of your support, especially through prayer. We truly believe God has shown us favor and you have all been such a huge part of that. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Now onto my regular routine....  :)

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