Thursday, September 27


I'm still in a bit of shock or surreal, even as I sit in my guest room in Haiti waiting to meet my daughter TODAY! Let me recap the moments of that day we received the call and then feel free to follow along these next few weeks and even months as we visit with her and go through the final steps of bringing her home.  I will not be using her name at this time for protection purposes so let's just call her B. 

Monday, August 27th was a normal, crazy Monday morning.  I woke up early in attempt to get myself mostly ready before waking my kids for school.  We all made it where we needed to be and I was off to work.  Monday mornings are usually pretty crazy.  Catching up on anything that happened over the weekend and attempting to start the week on a good note. This Monday was no different.  I had been running around and....actually, to be honest, I don't even recall because once I was in my chair and that phone rang life changed. So, let's get there...

I'm sitting at my desk processing what to focus on for the day and my phone starts vibrating.  I see it is a call from out of state and want to ignore it as so many times it's a scam of some sort.  However, something in my spirit said wait, it's from Tennessee which is where an ABI (our agency) office is located.  So, I tapped the call button and reluctantly said 'hello'.  I was ready to hang up the second I tapped that button and only half heard the woman's voice on the other end, but then I heard ABI and I said, 'yes?!'.  The next words that came out of her mouth barely reached my ears before I screamed and then cried, sobbed, like the good hard ugly cry type....yes, that was me, in my office chair that Monday morning.  'WE HAVE YOUR MATCH!'  Best words ever!!!

Bless Stephanie's heart as she waited for me to catch my breath to hear the few details she had on this little girl.  All she could tell me was a name, birth date and the orphanage she was in.  The rest was to come later in the week with the translation of B's dossier.  She sent me the dossier, all in French first!  Oh well, google translate works wonders while waiting.

Once I hung up the phone I turned around in my chair to an office full and popping confetti!  What a blessing to have 'family' there surrounding me in such a moment.  Sure, I felt a little guilty sharing the news with them first, before even my husband or other family.  But, they did hear me scream and then ugly cry and sat back wondering what in the world is going they earned it!  Hugs and more tears followed.  For days they followed, and even now I have tears!  When you wait 4.5 years to hear news, tears of joy are welcomed for as long as necessary. 

So, yea, I called Jason next...well facetime.  Pretty sure he knew right away as I NEVER facetime him during the day.  I haven't seen him smile that big and that long for quite some time.  Such pure joy filled our hearts together and the doubts, fear, misunderstandings and frustrations all washed away!  We were ready to embark on the next step and prepare to bring our daughter home.

We took time to surprise the kids that night as well.  Disbelief came from them as well, then a burst of joy and excitement.  You could see their minds through their eyes that night, processing the truth they had heard.  More pure joy.

And so here I am, awaiting our ride to go meet B!  Qade is here with us and we are all nervous.  We're trying not to have many expectations and praying through it all.  THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH for your continued support throughout this process.  Please keep it coming! This next year will be the hardest one as we wait to bring her home.

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